QS world university rankings in 2019, the comprehensive evaluation of teaching quality, graduate employment ability, international fame, teaching facilities, social responsibility, and diverse disciplines, Bond University was the world’s 5-star university, and have gained up to 94.8% of the student satisfaction, this is far higher than the average 90.2% of the world’s university student satisfaction.
No matter if you just graduating from University, or have few years of work experience, or an established business owner, the core knowledge and skills of MBA is essential needs.
As a high-welfare country, Australia has universal coverage of medical service system, perfect social welfare security system and social and community service system.
Goodbye 2020! We cover our mouth and nose during the pandemic. Experienced the lockdown and waiting, experienced the anxiety and loss. Finally, in December 2020, we see the hope and everything comes back to life.
2021年QS世界大学排行榜,排名前50的澳洲大学1-1.5年可完成的研究生课程推荐 首先让我们来一起来康康,根据2021年…
During the pandemic period, there is no suspension of application for studying in Australia & further education and transfer. iae-Huatong looking to study in Melbourne between August-September, be aware that the online admissions meeting of all Australian universities is drawing near. All Australian universities’ 2021 […]
先上一张大合照,每个人都笑的那么可爱~ 2019圣诞趴合影 为什么大家笑得那么开心,原因听我慢慢道来。先看看每个人手上的奖品吧 – 便携式无线蓝牙音箱/充电器 估计不笑也难啊,哈哈。(老板颇费啦~ 谁让我们同学都那么可爱呢)不仅没人空手而归,而且每个人的袋子都是满满鼓鼓的。没能来参加活动的小伙伴,后悔没来了吧,下次别错过咯 一点点小遗憾,就是有些同学因为一些个人原因不得不提早离开,合照里少了你们的笑脸~ 答应我们,下次补回来啊~ 韩式大餐 – 不仅仅是地道 2019 – iae 圣诞趴美食 真真是实惠,美味看得见,有没有? 2019 – iae 圣诞趴美食 自助模式,想吃多少就吃多少 有荤有素,有辣有甜,有凉有热,有主食有鲜汤!当时我都有小私心,想要偷偷打包一点回家吃呢。嘻嘻(#^.^#),强忍住了。 感谢公司同事们的鼎力相助,虽然食物们比预期来的晚些,但是大家一起努力,仍然准时开饭! 布置会场 – 我们是专业的! 会场布置中 唉?我们人呢?哈哈,真的不是我们懒,因为当时大伙陆续到场了,所以我们要和你们在一起呀~ 这里只能拜托同事们了~! 你们辛苦啦! 不得不夸,有规格,有情调。从点缀的蜡烛,桌布,到餐具的使用,都是用心准备的。工作有工作的样子,娱乐有娱乐的态度!这样才能快乐的收获。还在读书的你们,赞同吧? 此时的我们和同学们在干嘛? 暖场游戏- 数马 几匹马? 一款非智力型游戏,但就是让人怀疑自己的智商已经不适合留学了,(灬ꈍ ꈍ灬) 午饭过后,我们就开始游戏环节啦 疯狂猜词 这张照片很好的诠释了什么叫 – 笑到变形 抢凳子 请原谅这张高糊图 […]
The Mid-Autumn Festival iae Education EXPO has ended successfully! Come and find if there is a picture of you~